This year has been an incredible one so far in our lives and we look forward to the future. 

What could be more special than compiling years and years of two people’s dreams, aspirations, and idealism and turning that into the design and creation of a sweet little farm. 

The amazing part about farming is the constant need to be in the present while thinking of the future!

Our children learned a lot from the farm, they have missed special events, birthday parties and playdates to be in the farm and patiently watching us working on the fields sometimes worked with us as well!

We barely started, this year is our trial run, we have lots of plans and dreams for the future. Dreams of being more self-sufficient, dreams of having livestock, dreams to connect more with our community. 

We have learned so much this past year and are so excited to continue learning and growing.

What have we achieved this year? 

We are happy to share that we have produced a little over 2000 pounds of greens and vegetables, delivered over 400 orders. Proud to mention it’s all naturally grown, safe and quality produce, those who consumed would agree! We appreciate and thank all our consumers! 

Having a good neighbor makes all the difference. We’ve been blessed to have neighbors to help and support us to get up and running.

Also our life is blessed with good friends and family. We are forever grateful for all the support and enthusiasm from everyone. 

Here’s to a bright New Year and a fond farewell to the old; here’s to the things that are yet to come, and to the memories that we hold. 

Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone ! 

May the New Year bless you with health, wealth, and happiness.



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